Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Look At The Faces. Want To Be Able To Do That Every Day?

Athena and Ghost, the Dynamic Duo

These two dolls, a boy and a girl, are desperate for a home that can
give them attention and love. They are both nine, have lived together
since day one and have only each other as the sure thing that gets them

Their current owners are very financially and time strapped and want a
much better life for their kids. Ghost and Athena are already in foster
care but the situation there is very temporary and we must move them by
April 14.

Athena is a rotti, beagle mix and adorable. Ghost is her favorite thing
in the world other than humans :). Ghost is a malamute or husky shepherd
mix. He gets dogs, cats, kids, adults of both genders. He is a pretty
content old guy. He is very attached to his girl Athena and whines badly
when she is gone.
PLEASE pass this along to everyone you know who cares about animals.
Email me or Judith at sandjswanson@juno.com

I need a home and a name!! I am so CUTE!

Wendy is a fellow rescuer in San Diego. She sends out this help request for this little puppy and perhaps someone can help. If you think you please contact Wendy at wendyk9resq@yahoo.com or at 619-445-8741. Thank you so much.


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